For Sale By Tender


Situated at Bryn Bedd Plantation, Ffarmers, Carmarthenshire. SA19 8JF.

Description: The parcel is p 2000 Sitka spruce, exceptional well stocked and ready for first thinning. The stands are to be line thinned, removing one row in every five, no thinning of the remaining matrix. The stand will produce a high proportion of fencing material. The parcel is flat to gently sloping and
mechanised working will be possible throughout. The plantation is exceptionally well roaded and the vendor has the right to use the large stoned area at the entrance for the purpose of stacking and uplift of timber.

Compartment                         Species                             Nos/trees                   DBH(cm)                    Vol/tree (cu.m)                     Volume (cu.m)
Cpt 1                                       Sitka Spruce                           4089                              17                                    0.159                                            649
Cpt 2                                      Sitka Spruce                           3796                               18                                   0.17                                               646
Total                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1294

The estimates given above of the numbers, sizes and volumes of the trees are given without warranty of any sort as to their accuracy. Persons offering for the timber must satisfy themselves as to the exact size and nature of the trees offered for sale. No responsibility will be accepted for any discrepancy whatsoever for any reason at any time.

Inspection May be undertaken at any reasonable time. Please take a copy of these particulars with you. Please park in the unclassified road as shown on the sale map. Please note on Sundays a local clay shoot utilises the loading area and parts of the plantation.

Gate is 8971, GRID REF – 672473 – yield.hospitals.jazzy

Please ensure that all clothing and footwear is clean to avoid the transfer of disease.

Extraction: The timber is to be extracted along the route marked red on the attached plan.

Wayleaves: There are no telephones lines crossing the site.

Basis of the Sale: The timber is offered for sale on a volume basis per cubic metre over bark and offers should be priced accordingly. The contract sets out the system for measurement as follows: “The method of measurement of the timber will normally be that agreed with the Recipient of the
felled timber and used on the relevant delivery notes. Where the quantity of timber is described by weight, or by volume, this unit of measurement will be the cubic metre with one metric tonne being deemed equivalent to one cubic metre by volume, providing always that measurement of the timber takes place within six weeks of felling. Where measurement is made over six weeks from felling, by the piece, or by any other agreed system the weight/volume conversion factor, the
average volume of each piece or other agreed measurement will be determined by reference to Forestry Commission Booklet 39 and the appropriate tables therein.”

Contract Period: 1st April 2023 to 30th September 2023

Contract Terms: A copy of the Contract terms is available for inspection by request. This timber is offered for sale subject to contract and all persons offering will have been deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the Contract terms beforehand.

Date for Offers: All offers should be submitted to the Vendor’s Agent by NOON on 9th March 2023.

Acceptances: The Vendor reserves the right not to accept the highest or any offer.

Subject to Contract: This timber is offered for sale subject to contract, copies of which are available for inspection. These particulars are provided purely for the information of prospective purchasers and do not form any part of an offer to sell, nor of a Contract. Likewise, whilst all reasonable care has been taken in their preparation, neither the Vendor nor his Agent can accept any responsibility for any inaccuracy in or omission from them. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves as to all material facts prior to offering.

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